I’ve been wanting to start something new, so the way I’m doing that is by doing something old: starting a website. The goal is to start simple, but keep expanding it into something I can look at and be proud to have shared with all you strangers on the internet.
I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself, huh? I’ll give you the barebones version here. I’m married to the most wonderful woman on the planet, and we have two children and two dogs together. I’m an avid Dallas sports fan, and I make no apologies for it. Now that we’re acquainted, you should know why you’re here.
Growing up, my heart beat for two things: music and Christian Apologetics. Now that I’ve lost the interest of half of the people who started reading this, let’s continue. I was a music major at a Christian university, so I guess I got the best marriage of both passions I could find. The funny part is, I left college disenfranchised with Christianity and completely unprepared for a career in music.
So, I did what anyone else would do: I got a job with an auto insurance company.
Don’t get me wrong, my job is great. However, it has nothing to do with my passion. Since college, I have gotten over my issues with Christianity and have returned to my first love. However, my time drifting further and further away from mainstream Christianity really helped me see the holes that I was blind to before I left.
In case you haven’t noticed, the American Church is sick. The majority of people in the Church have no idea who Christ really is and what he really teaches. The Church has basically become a social club for people who want to pretend they’re better than the people on the outside. It’s sad to see that the Pharisees live on, no matter what age we live in.
We can’t just say there’s a problem, there has to be people willing to try to fix it. I have a desire to explain the nuts and bolts of Christianity to all levels of people from all walks of life, whether you’re a believer, a doubter, an atheist, or somewhere in between. Hopefully, in doing so, we can begin to repair some of the damage Christians have done to Christianity. Don’t worry, I’ve done my fair share of damage too.
My goal is to work this thing out together with you, the reader. I would love to interact with you while I lay down solid principles of what Christianity truly is supposed to be, not just what we have made it. If you’ve walked away from Christianity, you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover in these posts.
If you have a question, email me! Comment your hearts out (civilly), too. I would love to tackle your deepest and/or hardest questions about who God is, what He is like, what the Bible says about some particular subject, or whatever you would like to ask. I’m not afraid of any topic. I’ll eventually be posting podcast and video discussions on some of these issues.
But, since I’m also a music major with a slew of other interests, I’ll sometimes make posts about other stuff to break up the monotony. We’ll see how this ends up.
Thank you to those of you who got to this line – you’re the real MVP.